Week #38 ('20) Art Appreciation
Welcome to my weekly Art Appreciation post, where I provide a list of some amazing album covers, single art, and random art that have come out within the past week. I’ll give you the artist/photographer/painter/magician’s name, as well as any social media or websites where you can go and check out more of their work. Click here to go back and see some other Art Appreciation posts.
As I’m starting to get into this process of identifying more artists, I’m running into a lot of problems. Namely, I can’t find who did the original piece anywhere I look, and I’m not sure if it’s meant to be that way or I’m just not looking in the right places. I want to take the intro here on this newest Art Appreciation to ask y’all for a little bit of help: anyone who has run into similar problems before, do you have a place where you can find this information with ease? How have you overcome this problem in the past? I’m open on any social and my email (thasoupdude@thasoupdude.com) if anyone out there has any suggestions for someone like myself who really wants to do these artists right here on TSDK. I appreciate all of you guys, and I hope these posts continue to spread the word about these killer artists.
Remember, use this post to follow and subscribe to these artists; they deserve as much recognition as the musicians they are attached to.
Artist(s): Bureau Omega
Isegrim, by Morlockk Dilemma & Superior
The movie poster really is an art of it’s own. It’s surprisingly rigid in template, if only for the fact that it’s sectioning and structure is a tried-and-true science, designed meticulously to tell you as much about a film on a glance while still retaining the mystery of actually watching the movie. More than the imagery, it’s also one of the few artistic mediums that almost always has to incorporate text into it’s design, giving you the basic facts about it’s creation: cast members, title, production companies, etc. Whenever you see it used in the context of an album cover, you feel that the artist really cares about the entire design process of an album, relishing in the contributions from everyone involved to make the vision come true. This piece here from Bureau Omega is getting us ready for a story of a man tried to the streets; while I admittedly have little idea what Morlockk is actually saying on the LP (He’s rapping in German), I can get a pretty clear picture of the subject matter from the art that proceeds it. Another important feature of a movie poster is color, usually pitting two or three colors against each other to create stark contrast: here we have the black cut by blood red and light blues, very effective in drawing your eyes to centers of actions and “exposition”. It reminds me of the posters for Blade Runner (the original, not the Ryan Gosling one) in design and darkness, and that title bar is giving me flashbacks to the Jaws title. This style seems to be Bureau’s specialty, so go check out his Instagram for more dope shit.
Bureau's Instagram
Artist(s): Harry G Ward
Good Energy, by Grafh
You ever see a piece of art and be like “damn I wish I could draw”? This is one of those times. LOOK AT THIS BEAUTIFUL SHIT. The hand is flawlessly drawn, a rare talent amongst artists, especially at such a close perspective, the tattoos and the chain are tasteful and do not distract from the focus of the piece, and whatever that snake is (I’m not sure of it’s a ring or some sort of symbolic skin snake thing?) mysterious enough to get you thinking. But as someone who has seen a lot of art, there’s two things I want to draw attention to: the lighting and the haze effects. The light source being directly behind the subject is a rare choice, but Harry has done well with it, shading the underside of the hand while highlighting the held object and little details perfectly; maybe he plays with reality a bit when illuminating the fingers closest to us, but it is artistic choice rather than a misunderstanding of lighting, and deserves our respect. But my favorite part of the piece is around the borders, a foggy condensation-like haze that comes from the smoke wafting into the space from the lit ember. It looks like fog on a mirror on a humid day, giving this impression of a warm-yet-comfortable space, which plays along nicely with the invigorating colors brought but the sun. It’s a very complete image with synergy and positive vibes for days, one I was instantly drawn to whenever choosing art for this weeks post. Everyone needs to go check out Harry’s previous work, because if you liked this shit you will LOVE his other work, a supremely talented individual to say the least.
Harry’s Website/Harry's Instagram